Montreal puts 21 million for 670 student housing

Montreal is injecting 21 million in municipal money to help build 670 student housing units by 2028.

Mayor Valérie Plante made the announcement Thursday, as part of a series of announcements on housing in the metropolis.

The housing is spread across four different projects, all led by the UTILE organization.

“In total, 1,000 students will benefit,” explained Plante, stressing that a global agreement for four projects would save UTILE time and money. “We are going to give you more resources to build faster and in greater numbers. »

“We want to facilitate processes, accelerate construction starts,” she continued. “We opened the safes, we scraped the bottom of the drawers. » The money comes in particular from contributions from real estate developers who did not want to integrate social and affordable housing into their projects.

UTILE buildings will be located in Griffintown, Pointe-Saint-Charles, on the Plateau-Mont-Royal and on the MIL Campus in Outremont.

According to Laurent Levesque, CEO of UTILE, Montreal’s contribution will cover approximately 10% of the total bill associated with these four projects.

“We are really going to seek economies of scale, predictability” with an overall envelope for the four projects, he said. “It allows us to see the future with more clarity and start more development projects. […] There are enormous needs in the metropolis. »

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