Montreal encouraged to draw inspiration from Quebec

Montreal would benefit from taking inspiration from the City of Quebec, which adopted stricter regulations last week to better protect its heritage buildings, estimates the organization Heritage Montreal.

• Read also: 82 Quebec heritage buildings lost forever

“It’s great what Quebec has done, it’s a great step forward. We cannot copy and paste, but Montreal can certainly take certain provisions as an example, ”believes the assistant director of policies at Héritage Montréal, Taïka Baillargeon.

On June 20, the Marchand administration gave itself the power to impose fines of up to $250,000 per day on owners who allow a heritage building to deteriorate.

Demolitions will also be more strictly supervised. Owners will now have to demonstrate the necessity or benefits of demolition.

The City of Quebec is thus benefiting from the new legislative provisions of Bill 69, which came into force a year ago, which allow municipalities to improve their regulations regarding the protection of heritage.

“It’s really positive to see a city get up and act, I think it’s important to do so too,” says Ms. Baillargeon.

Montreal interest

In Montreal, we assure you that there is interest in the modifications and improvements to urban planning regulations.

“The objective is to submit to the authorities a draft regulation amending the Building Maintenance Regulation before the end of 2022”, explains the head of culture and heritage, Ericka Alneus.

Montreal could therefore follow in Quebec’s footsteps and increase, among other things, fines for owners who do nothing to maintain their heritage property.

Taïka Baillargeon cites the former newspaper building as an example The homelandproperty of the Church of Scientology of Montreal, which has been abandoned for a long time and the sanctions of which could push the owners to take action.

Go further

“We know they are not there, this building is empty. A building that is not occupied is a building that is at risk since no one is taking care of it,” she laments.

The Church of Scientology acquired the building in 2007 for the sum of $4.25 million, but does not use it.

According to Ms. Baillargeon, financial penalties send a strong message to owners, but it would be beneficial to go even further.

“The money from the sanctions could be reinvested in the repair of other heritage buildings. We know that the money is lacking, we should have a little initiative with strong gestures, ”she suggests.

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