Montreal also prohibits the use of TikTok on city phones

After Ottawa and Quebec, it is the turn of the City of Montreal to ban the use of the Chinese application TikTok on the mobile devices of its officials.

• Read also: TikTok: all deputies in Quebec will delete the application

• Read also: Leaving TikTok is ‘cutting off’ from the younger generation, expert warns

• Read also: Young people far from wanting to leave the TikTok application

The City asked all of its staff on Thursday to remove the application from phones now.

“Although the preliminary analysis carried out by our teams concludes at a low risk for the moment, we wish to act in a preventive way”, is it possible to read in an internal note sent in the afternoon.

“We will take the time to continue our reflection and deepen our analysis of the situation before officially deciding on the long-term use of the TikTok application on the mobile devices provided to staff members,” he said. been added.

Since the beginning of the week, the use of TikTok by the various governments has been the subject of discussion due to possibilities of espionage by the Chinese government.

Both the federal and provincial governments have asked their elected officials and civil servants to remove the application from phones.

TikTok is in the crosshairs of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and that of Quebec, who must file an investigation report during 2023.

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