Missile launches: tension rises a notch between North Korea and South Korea



France 2

Article written by

D.Schlienger, A.Miguet, L.Courté, P.Wursthorn, J.Cohen-Olivieri – France 2

France Televisions

In response to the firing of 23 missiles from Pyongyang, Seoul fired back and released the footage on Wednesday, November 2. The escalation seems set to last.

Between North Korea and South Korea, it’s climbing who will show the most muscles, Wednesday, November 2. Ballistic fire from the North, and broadcast of images of the response from the South. “This is the first time that a North Korean missile has landed near our territorial waters, it is unprecedented and unacceptable. Our army responds severely to this act“, said Kang Shin-chul, South Korea’s chief of operations. In less than 24 hours, North Korea fired 23 surface-to-air and ballistic missiles. One of them fell into the sea at the ‘East, beyond the demarcation line defined by the UN in 1953.

It’s really a shame that North Korea is doing this, we need our country to react strongly and strengthen our security, so that they can never provoke us again.” judges a South Korean. The tension has gone up a notch, while Seoul and the United States is holding the largest joint air training in its history. North Korea sees this as provocations, and is said to be preparing a new nuclear test. According to specialists, Kim Jong-un has been uninhibited since the appearance of a conflict thousands of kilometers away: the war in Ukraine. Ironically of international diplomacy, Russia called on both sides for calm, urging them to avoid a rise in tension.

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