Miss France, a future transgender candidate? Geneviève de Fontenay beside herself, “I am very shocked”

The Miss France contest is over 100 years old. And fortunately, since its creation, the rules have evolved, slowly but surely. Even if she left the Miss France company in 2010, Geneviève de Fontenay never misses an opportunity to criticize the beauty contest that she has nevertheless helped to make popular. In his viewfinder also, his replacement, Sylvie Tellier, who has strived for 10 years to modernize Miss France. And evolving with the times is not the fort of the lady in the hat.

For several years, various associations and political figures have criticized the competition for outdated regulations. Indeed, to hope to win the crown, the candidates must not measure less than 1.70 m, not be married, not have visible tattoos … Recently, it is the Minister Delegate in charge of equality between women and the men, Elisabeth Moreno, who considered “that the rules of Miss France were exceeded“.

The politician also received Miss Trans-France 2021 in November to talk about inclusiveness. In recent years Sylvie Tellier has also been particularly open on the issue. In 2019, she told Le Parisien: “Tomorrow, if a woman or a boy who has changed sex and therefore has a female civil status, enters the Miss France competition, we are not the police, I am not going to give him a medical examination. If it is, it has already happened, I do not know“.

Nothing more was needed to outraged Geneviève de Fontenay, who had not really been asked for her opinion on the matter. A future transgender candidate? She would still prefer to eat her hat and shared a virulent press release this Saturday, December 11, 2021.

Geneviève is quite simply beside herself: “I am very shocked by the possibility of seeing the Miss France contest open to transgender candidates ! It is a deep insult to the sixty years of my life during which I fought to give Miss France a respected and respectable image, which highlights young girls healthy in body and mind! I would like to recall the first article of the regulations of Miss France: “Are admitted to participate in the elections […] persons born female, French by birth or naturalized, of a minimum height of 1.70 m without heels, single, neither divorced, nor widows, nor civil partnership, without children and not living in cohabitation “.” Miss “signifier” Miss “, it is inconceivable to modify this regulation ! Candidates who do not meet these criteria can register for the “Madame France” competition! Miss France is not an unnatural competition! It is an election which symbolizes elegance in a healthy and national atmosphere! We must stop ransacking the image of Miss France !!

Since she no longer has a say in the election of Miss France, we do not really know what motivated this press release to shout, once again, its convictions from another time. The last time Geneviève de Fontenay spoke publicly, it was to say thatshe refused to be vaccinated and to respect barrier gestures.

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