Miss France 2022: The 29 sensual Miss in swimsuits, the beauty queens parade live

The big Miss France 2022 evening, presented by Jean-Pierre Foucault and Sylvie Tellier, is launched! This Saturday, December 11, 2021, it is at the Zenith in Caen that the twenty-nine regional candidates will try their luck in the famous beauty contest in front of a jury of choice, chaired by Jean-Pierre Pernaut: Amel Bent, Inès Reg, Delphine Wespiser (Miss France 2012), François Alu (professional dancer and juror of Dance with the stars), Philippe Lacheau, and Ahmed Sylla.

For the traditional entrance choreography, our young Misses performed on the soundtrack of the Lion King. All of them showed up in gorgeous golden, sparkling dresses.

Jean-Pierre Foucault and Sylvie Tellier, sublime in red, make their arrival for the start of the show. Jean-Pierre Pernaut in his turn arrives in a tuxedo and pays homage to his wife Nathalie Marquay, Miss France 1987. The kickoff of the evening is launched!

The Misses take the floor

Time for serious business: the first portraits are unveiled. We learn that Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais 2021, Donatella Meden, has been approached by the modeling community. Miss Guyana 2021, Melysa Stephenson, dreams of becoming a stylist. Miss Côte d’Azur 2021, Valeria Pavelin, was present at the Nice attack on July 14, 2016. A tragedy which allowed her to realize that life is very precious. Miss Center-Val de Loire 2021, Jade Lange, dreams of becoming a school teacher. She tried her luck several times in the Miss France contest and this time was the right one. The first ten candidates parade on pieces from musicals Mamma mia and Saturday Night Fever and other disco tracks. It is the first time that the Misses parade in pants.

Back to portraits. Miss Midi-Pyrénées 2021, Hannah Friconnet, says she suffered a lot of teasing when she was young because of her large size. Rather anxious, she found peace through yoga. Miss Rhône-Alpes 2021, Charlotte Faure, does volleyball in competition and has a very high level. Miss Pays de la Loire 2021, Line Carvalho, dreams of becoming an airline pilot. Miss Tahiti 2021, Tumateata Buisson, lost her mother and participating in Miss France was her mother’s wish. This is a beautiful tribute.

A new choreography for the Misses! This time the theme is Mary poppins but not only because Mika is also in the spotlight. They magically descend from the ceiling with their umbrellas. A magical picture.

Last portraits. Miss Provence 2021, Eva Navarro, has a father who works in the army. It was therefore brought up with respect for values. Miss New Caledonia, Emmy Chenin, loves music and plays the guitar. Miss Franche-Comté 2021, Julie Cretin, is passionate about photography and has made humanitarian trips. Miss Alsace 2021, Cécile Wolfrom, wants to launch her eco-responsible cosmetics business. Miss France Picardie 2021, Hayate El Gharmaoui, wishes to become a volunteer firefighter and is a municipal councilor.

For this new group choreography, the theme is West Side Story. They are dressed with colorful ruffle dresses.

The time has come for a new parade. The 29 regional Misses are now revealed in costumes from their region.

Our queens in swimsuits

Now is the time for a new long-awaited parade: the one where the contenders for the title of Miss France are revealed in swimsuits. It’s on the theme of the film La La land that they parade in a blue starry one-piece swimsuit.

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