MIQUE and his troupe during culinary chatter


Andouille sausage and cabbage are cooked together. The sausage can be replaced by savory or by 1 sausage.

For more prettiness I folded the sausage in the cabbage leaves. If however there was any mic left, divide it into slices and fry it in a little butter.

In fact, the mic is a bread. On days when the bread oven was not turned on, the dough was cooked in the hotpot cooking broth. This gave a crustless bread where only the crumb was cooked, hence the cooked crumb became the mic!

For the mic, per person:

50g flour

Salt and pepper

2 tbsp lukewarm water

1 tsp baker’s yeast 1 tsp beaten egg

For the troop per person:

½ small andouille sausage (about 6 cm) desalinate if necessary

6 washed green cabbage leaves.

The mic. Dissolve the baker’s yeast in the water. In a bowl, pour the flour, salt and stir with a fork. Add the water/yeast mixture, mix. Add the egg and mix with your fingertips. The dough should be elastic and supple. If necessary add either a little water if it lacks flexibility or a little flour if it is too soft. Blend with your fingertips. Cover with a cloth and place in a warm place away from drafts. Let rise 1 hour. Repeat by stretching the dough outwards then folding it in the center as if to trap air inside. Form a ball, cover with the towel and leave to rise for 1 hour in the same place as before. The paste is ready to use.

The band. Thin the ribs from the cabbage leaves. Divide the desalted sausage into 3 slices and fold each of them with 2 cabbage leaves. Once folded, flatten them (as if to crush them) with the palm of your hand. Place them in a casserole dish with plenty of water, season with salt and pepper and bring to a boil. Then place the mic paste on top and cook for 15 minutes over moderate heat. Turn the mic over and cook for another 15 minutes, basting the top of the mic with broth quite often. Remove the mic and place it on a dish surrounded by slices of andouille sausage and cabbage. To serve.

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