Miou-Miou and Jean Teulé: This “ambush” set by a famous friend, at the origin of their love

Playing the matchmaker is not given to everyone. However, without one of them, Miou-Miou and Jean Teulé would never have spent 24 years of their life together. It was in 1998 that their beautiful romance started. At the time, the two did not know each other but would enter into each other’s lives during a dinner organized by a famous mutual friend: Jean-Pierre Coffe.

In the pages of Paris Matchwe learn that it was the animator and food critic who brought the future lovers closer together: “Jean-Pierre quickly felt that between her and Jean, something could happen, says Christophe Dolbeau, the last companion of Jean-Pierre Coffe. He ambushed them“So it’s at the Duchayatière,”property with green shutters by Jean-Pierre Coffe, between Dreux and Châteaudun” that Miou-Miou and Jean Teulé meet for the first time. They will never leave each other again.

It is Jean Teulé who will take out the oars to seduce “his teenage fantasy“: “Confused, awkward, Teulé, from the height of his 45 years, pulls out all the stops to seduce this 48-year-old woman, single like him!” The feeling passes, the love grows and unites the two artists: “They loved each other madlysays Philippe Geluck, one of their friends. He made her laugh so much, he made us laugh so much. […] Jean had a brilliant mind, totally iconoclastic and benevolent.

The idyllic daily life of Miou-Miou and Jean Teulé changed a few days ago. A little earlier in the month, the couple dined in a restaurant in the Marais, not far from their home, where they had their habits. The day after this meal, Jean Teulé ended up in the emergency room, victim of serious food poisoning: “Sent home, he doesn’t feel any better. And on the night of Monday 17 to Tuesday 18, it was in the arms of Miou-Miou that he died of cardiac arrest following intoxication. The actress barely has time to call for help. The man of her third life died in front of her, suddenly.”

The curtain has fallen but life goes on for Miou-Miou. It is without Jean Teulé that Sylvette Herry, of her real name, will have to move forward from now on. While waiting to get up, the movie star has her daughters by her side: Angèle, 48, born of her relationship with Patrick Dewaere and Jeanne, 44, whom Miou-Miou had with Julien Clerc. Two loves ready to do anything to save their mother from grief.

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