Minister Pap Ndiaye will invite National Education staff to lunch once a month

I want to be able to dialogue directly with you as often as possible.A special lunch at the Ministry of Education is being held this Thursday, October 20: ten staff, teachers and non-teachers, are invited to the table of Minister Pap Ndiaye. This is a first for the Minister, who intends to repeat this meeting, ideally once a month, in order to try to reconnect with the educational community. On the menu: that these personnel lui share their working conditions, their remuneration, their daily life in class.

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It is also a new break with his predecessor, Jean-Michel Blanquer, accused of deciding “from above”, without taking into account feedback from the field. Pap Ndiaye has, “need for these direct exchanges“: they feed his thoughts on what to change at school, we are told at the ministry.

For this first lunch, the rue de Grenelle has therefore selected ten staff, among the few dozen volunteers who have registered on a dedicated web page: they are teachers and directors of schools, colleges, high schools, a inspector, a psychologist. In his message of invitation, the Minister writes thus “As you know, I recently took up my post as head of the Ministry of National Education and Youth. I want to be able to dialogue directly with you as often as possible. I already do it on my travels. In addition, I would like to invite you, in groups of ten people, to come and discuss with me during a lunch at the ministry. I’ll just make sure I have a representation of the different levels, academies, ages and professions. Your travel expenses will be fully covered.”

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Whether “This meeting will be a moment of exchange and reflection on the School with the Minister, not the place to solve personal problems”. can we read on the official site, all are invited to speak freely, in a less formal framework, less controlled than during the visits of the minister in the establishments, and less media too. All these exchanges will be “off the microphone”: “There will be no communication of exchanges on social networks, neither recording nor video. We undertake not to communicate on these exchanges without your authorization.“, warns the ministry. What intrigues the teacher unions questioned who wonder what will come out of it, when they are currently participating in consultations with the ministry on remuneration. A union representative is surprised: Pap Ndiaye has maybe want to hear”a different story than ours“.

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