Migration crisis in Lampedusa: does humanity have borders?



The franceinfo Talk looks back on the influx of migrants in recent days in Lampedusa. Ludo Pauchant receives Mélodie Beaujeu, co-founder of Désinfox-Migrations, Thomas Castejon, lawyer and specialist in asylum law, and Delphine Rouilleault, general director of France Terre d’Asile.

For ten days, several thousand migrants landed on the Italian island of Lampedusa. The latter mainly come from Guinea, Egypt or Ivory Coast. Located to the southeast of Sicily, the island has become a land of exodusless than 150 kilometers from the Tunisian coast, the current influx of migrants having doubled the population from Lampedusa.

Lampedusa suffers, Europe in an impasse

While the reception centers on the island are completely saturated, the Member States of the European Union are struggling to agree on the management of this migratory influx. On September 17, Ursula von der Leyen presented an emergency plan to help Italy. Beyond aid intended to manage the current crisis, this plan aims to better distribute applicants between Member States of the EU and prevents any potential new crisis in the future.

“France will not welcome migrants” according to Gérald Darmanin

Traveling to Rome on September 17, the Minister of the Interior delivered a message of support for Italy and firmness on illegal immigration. Gérald Darmanin explained on the set of 8 p.m. on TF1 that “France wants a firm position” and that the country will not welcome migrants present in Lampedusa. The minister continued by calling for “distinguish migrants from people who are political refugees”.

In his interview given to TF1 and France 2 on Sunday September 24, Emmanuel Macron on the one hand recognized that “the pope is right to call for this start against indifference” in the context of the migration crisis and that the Minister of the Interior also “reason” of demonstrate “realism”, or even “firmness.

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