Haute-Marne, for its part, has no longer been on orange alert since Wednesday evening.
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The situation is improving, but caution remains in order. Météo-France downgraded the Yonne department to orange vigilance due to the risk of flooding, Thursday April 4 in its 10 a.m. bulletin. Until then, he was concerned by red vigilance. Aube is still kept on orange alert. On the other hand, the latter is lifted for the Côte-d’Or.
“The decline is clearly underway at the stations of Aisy-sur-Armançon (-120 cm) and Tronchoy (-30 cm)”announced the Yonne prefecture Thursday morning. “It has also started downstream at the Brienon-sur-Armançon station, but it is slower there. The water height remains close to the values observed during the peak reached in the evening.”
The decline of the Serein, another dangerous tributary, is also “well underway downstream”depending on the prefecture. The peaks were reached everywhere in Yonne except at the Joigny station, where it is expected at the end of Thursday morning, then at the Sens station during the night from Thursday to Friday, and the Pont-sur-Yonne station Friday morning. “The precipitation is low and has no expected effect on the recession”added the prefecture.