Mental health, business leaders too can fall

For business leaders, it is essential to take care of their staff and ensure a welcoming working environment. However, often leaders themselves have little recognition of their own mental health needs. We’re going to tell each other the real things.

Business executives of all genders, backgrounds and ages are generally people who tend to want to master everything at once. Sometimes, especially in the case of managers of smaller SMEs, this is a very real necessity.

SME managers are effectively captains of the ship, standing firm despite the troughs and strong tides. This is what they expect of themselves, because, in reality, a large part of the responsibilities are on their shoulders: development, objectives, negotiations, corporate culture, jobs, finances, compliance, etc.

Because there are so many things that require leadership attention, sometimes too many, the warning signs of mental distress fall solidly into the realm of denial. A dissonance is established between ambitions and capabilities. They no longer recognize stress or headaches, insomnia, fatigue, constant adrenaline. Some say that this is part of the “daily routine” of leaders. This is where the mental health risks lie. The wall is coming at high speed. I know something about it, because this wall hit me hard.

Far from being alone

Last December, the weight of my responsibilities completely knocked me to the ground. All these decisions and tasks ended up emptying me, exhausting me, exhausting me, overworking me. This is the inevitable and inflexible result of denial. And recovering mentally and physically takes time, even with excellent care. I now apply a healthier approach to my role as a business owner. However, it is a long pilgrimage with many obstacles, and sometimes regressions, to overcome along the way.

If I dare to put all this into words, it is in order to make SME managers aware of the need to grant themselves the same kind consideration as that enjoyed by their employees. We are not endowed with exceptional powers protecting us against the risks of mental exhaustion. My own experience was quite convincing, I assure you.

I give here a worrying anecdote. During a networking meeting I attended, three of the eight entrepreneurs present admitted to having difficulty maintaining a healthy balance, because you have to perform and provide satisfaction. So I was far from being the only one.

Instead of allowing time for entertainment, sport and leisure, i.e. breaks that are good for personal balance, some leaders dive into projects whose volume becomes heavy to bear. Without realizing it, they create a bubble of obligations to achieve. Among some executive peers, I have seen the effects of this sneaky bubble, which leads to isolation and burnout, which even changes values ​​and behaviors. I saw it in others, but not in myself. This denial again.

Find balance

SME managers have no choice but to remain in charge of their own business; it is a fact. However, they certainly have the choice to take better care of their mental health. It really, truly is the best choice we can make. For yourself, for your team, for your family and for your friends.

As much as an executive can have a heart for his employees, he must also be attentive to his own mental fatigue. A manager must represent the culture of his company? Give an example of kindness towards your employees? Logically then, leading by example means allowing time to balance professional and personal needs. This is an excellent approach to take, I understand that. However, from my observations, too few actually dare to do so. That’s not the case for me, not anymore.

The purpose of this forum is to raise awareness among business leaders of the benefits and importance of also being kind to oneself. No business will grow, and no employee will be motivated, if senior managers neglect their mental health.

I warmly encourage my peers to think about the subject. It’s a good thing to do. For yourselves above all, and for the positive example that you will then set for others.

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