Meghan Markle: Her funny gift to Queen Elizabeth II ended miserably

The Christmas holidays are approaching. Including for the british royal family who is about to celebrate her first Christmas without Queen Elizabeth II, who died on Thursday, September 8. On this point, Meghan Markle and her husband Prince Harry have planned to spend the holidays in California with their two children, Archie and Lilibet. They won’t be with King Charles III and his wife Camilla as well as kate and William and their children, Charlotte, george and Louis.

For Meghan Markle and Harry, the last time they were reunited with everyone else dates back to 2018. To crown this event, the Duchess of Sussex, married for a few months to the Duke of Sussex and pregnant with her son Archie (born on May 6, 2019), had offered a gift to say the least astonishing to Elizabeth II. According to a source at the British site The Expressit was a “little hamster that sings when you pull on a small rope.”

A gift smashed to pieces by the Queen’s corgis

What happens to this gift? Last I heard, this one was blown to pieces by the Queen’s corgis. One of the great passions of Queen Elizabeth II. This hamster kindly offered by Meghan could have kept her dogs company who obviously did not want it. However, this did not taint the good mood that reigned during this special Christmas between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton in the royal residence of Sandringham. According to a source at the royal palace in Sun in comments relayed by Gala in 2021, the Duchesses of Sussex and Cambridge”laughed together”. “Meghan, pregnant, was not drinking but Kate had a glass of wine or two and everyone was in good spirits (…) You could not have imagined that there was tension between the two. C It was a wonderful day and night”, added the source. It remains to be seen whether the magic of Christmas will invade the royal family at the end of the year!

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