Meghan Markle attacked by her sister: the Duchess replies while Samantha asks her for a nice sum!

It’s (again) the war between Meghan Markle and her half-sister Samantha! The latter brought a defamation lawsuit against Prince Harry’s wife, claiming no less than 75,000 euros in damages. She criticizes the Duchess of Sussex for telling Oprah Winfrey that she grew up as a “only child”.

As part of this legal fight, Meghan Markle wanted to clarify her remarks through her lawyers. The latter explained that this was asubjective statement about how a person feels about their childhoodand not of a “do”, which then authorizes him to make such remarks, without being outlawed. But his sister Samantha does not stop there since she also accuses him of having orchestrated “a premeditated campaign to destroy his reputation as well as that of their father Thomas, relates the DailyMail.

Minimal attention required

According to Samantha, her sister would like to ruin her credibility as well as that of their father in order to “that they cannot interfere with [son] fake fairy tale story”. Meghan Markle is also accused by her sister of having lied when she said that she had to work and accept low-paying jobs from the age of 13, in order to “make ends meet“.

Finally, for Samantha, the autobiography of the Sussexes, Finding Freedomdue “substantial and irreparable injury and harm” to his reputation. Meghan Markle’s lawyers explained that their client could not “to be held responsible“for the comments made in this book, since she did not write it. For them, this trial has no meaning. It is “unfounded“and they will grant”minimal attention needed“.

The former actress from the Serie Suits would not have seen his sister Samantha since 2008, according to the DailyMail. They would have important disagreements on several subjects related to their childhood, and this for several years. A rocky relationship that exploded in public view following the actress’s engagement to Prince Harry. His sister only worsened the situation by attacking him in several interviews, and in particular in his book The Diary of Princess Pushy’s Sister: A Memoir, Part One.

And it is not this lawsuit, a priori, which should calm the situation between the two sisters from Los Angeles…

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