Mayor Frank Louvrier threatened with death


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

A. Mezmorian, France 3 Pays de la Loire, V. Castel – France 3

France Televisions

Elected officials assaulted and sometimes threatened with death. The mayor of La Baule, Franck Louvrier, received an anonymous letter at the beginning of May, accompanied in particular by images of a terrorist attack. He decided to talk about it before his Municipal Council.

Friday May 26 in La Baule (Loire-Atlantique), the City Council was held, the scene of ordinary political life. But Mayor Franck Louvrier gives elected officials information that amazes the audience. Franck Louvrier initially hesitated to be transparent, to preserve the investigation, he said, then finally decided to make the case public, to reassure his family.

Make the slightest attack public

Mayor since 2020, he is supported by all elected members of the City Council. “I am not at all on the same political side as Franck Louvrier, but we are both attached to democracy”, declares Anne Boyé, municipal councilor (PS) of La Baule. Same solidarity with the government. The Association of Mayors of France calls on civil servants, doctors or mayors to make public the slightest attack of which they would be the object.

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