Mathilda May hospitalized: she gives rather reassuring news

A noticeable rant

Earlier this week, the actress infidels shared her health problem by sharing a photo of her lying on a bed and having a drip, along with a long message. “Here I am nailed to a hospital bed in Bali, struck down by the Dengue virus. Difficult days, immobilized without being able to eat or drink (and other not very fun symptoms)“ she explained at first. The friend of Prince, who died in 2016, also took the opportunity to discuss the French health system: “It is clear that where I am, without mutual insurance, I would not have had access to this overpriced hospital (imagine with local salaries…) It is therefore the great luxury here to be able to be treated at home. hospital, as in many other countries, alas. Then I think of our French health system, which is dying while it is one of the most beautiful constructions of which France has always been able to be proud. care for ALL is the basis of a just society. We must preserve at all costs this essential and exemplary human value.”

The one who was betrayed by one of her exes asked her fans in particular todefend the hospitals that are screaming and dying from not being heard“. Anyway, the actress infidels, now in a relationship with singer Sly Johnson, seems to be getting better and better, enough to reassure his loved ones as well as his subscribers.

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