Mathieu (Love is in the meadow) seriously ill: he wants to find a lover for Alexandre…

It all started in 2020, when they met in front of the cameras of Love is in the meadow (M6). Matthew and Alexander never left each other again. The following year, the lovers even celebrated their marriage, in the presence of Karine Le Marchand. And since then, they want to realize their dream: to become dads. However, there is a downside. The bull breeder in the Camargue suffers from Cadasil disease, which has serious consequences on a daily basis. With Jordan de Luxe for Entertainment TVthe couple surrenders.

It’s a disease that no one wants to talk about, which is a vicious disease. It’s a cerebral arteriopathy, a degeneration of the brain so I’m going to end up in a bad state. I’m almost 47 and life expectancy is 62.. It’s been 15 years. There is no treatment“, loose the farmer, stopped dead by his lover Alexandre who wants to make it clear that he can “to live longer“.”I have a 100% chance of dying from it and I have a 30% chance of having a massive stroke right now., then pursues Mathieu. I live every day as if it were the last.

The disease is part of their daily life, but they “don’t talk about it“, clarifies Alexander. “MBut we know it’s there. For my part, I do not let anything show through. But I know there’s a time when I’m gonna have to change her diapers“, he adds. Strong words from the former rider who hardly considers the future, without Mathieu. “It’ll be great complicated“, he launches. And her husband to launch: “He’s not about to remarry, that’s what he tells me anyway. I would like to find him someone before I leave, pto make sure he’s happy, that he’s not alone.

Another constraint for the couple: “This disease has bipolarity and depression as a side effect I treat myself for bipolarity“, announces Mathieu. “When we first met, he didn’t know he was bipolar. And every morning, I woke up, I didn’t know who I was going to have in front of me, spear alexander. Was I going to have the happy Mathieu or the pissed off Mathieu? Now, he is treated and their days are much easier.“The farmer is being treated for depression with very small doses of antidepressants. Something to worry his darling a little more…”The fact that he is depressed, at some point, I tell him: ‘You should never mess up’ When the disease attacks a lot, you don’t know how you can react“, he concludes.

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