Mask Singer: A premium upset at the last minute because of an international star, details revealed

This Tuesday, September 27, TF1 will broadcast a new issue of Mask Singer 2022. A new international star will perform in a cat costume. For the occasion, producer Anthony Meunier revealed behind the scenes of their casting during an interview for 20 minutes. Thus, readers discovered that one of them had turned a program upside down at the last minute.

If during the first season of Mask Singer, viewers were only able to discover French personalities, the production then integrated international stars into the cast for one episode. Thus, in season 2 (2020), it is the star of Money Heist Itziar Ituño hiding under a ballerina costume. During season 3 in 2022, it is the actress of Desperate Housewives Teri Hatcher (disguised as a ladybug) as well as the singer Seal (as a cowboy). Finally for the season currently airing, the prod’ bet on the star ofBaywatch David Hasselhoff. And she will remember her time in the program.

On set, the 70-year-old actor performed My Way by Franck Sinatra. But originally, it was another service that he had to offer. Anthony Meunier has indeed revealed that during a car trip, David Hasselhoff hummed My Way. So he let her know that her voice fit well with the song. Without hesitation, the actor therefore made the decision to change the song, especially since it is the favorite title of his wife Hayley Roberts. “We had to create a new scenography in just two days“remembered Anthony Meunier.

In any case, viewers saw nothing but fire and were impressed by David Hasselhoff. It remains to be seen who will be the other international star who will be presented during the evening of September 27. See you from 9:10 p.m. on TF1 to get the answer.

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