“Mars”, Fritz Zorn | The duty

“I am young, rich and cultured; and I am unhappy, neurotic and alone. » Fritz Zorn (pen name of Fritz Angst, which in German means “fear” or “anguish”) died of cancer at the age of 32, in 1976, at the end of the “gloomy path” of his life and a few months after completing March, the account of his brief existence and his only book. X-ray full of anger of a family from the upper middle class of the “Golden Bank”, the right bank of Lake Zurich, relentless prosecution against his parents, and by extension of all of Switzerland, March recounts a childhood where everything was always going too well, lived in a maintained and “false” version of reality. Because for Zorn, who describes himself as a “passive revolutionary”, cancer is above all “a disease of the soul”, the rotten fruit of his education and his neurosis. A new translation of the book (published in German in 1977) gives this cult book all its striking power. A call to ignite and break the silence.



Fritz Zorn, translated by Olivier Le Lay, Gallimard, Paris, 2023, 320 pages

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