Married at first sight: Cyndie dares a very low-cut dress for her wedding to Jauffrey

In the new episode of Married at first sight broadcast on Monday May 9, 2022 on M6, viewers were able to resume the adventures of Jauffrey and Cyndie. The 39-year-old lifeguard and former high-level swimmer has yet to meet the one he is 76% compatible with. But it won’t be long! And for good reason, they have made great progress in the preparations by finding their own outfit for D-Day!

For his fittings, Jauffrey was accompanied by his two witnesses, one of whom is well known since it is Frédérick Bousquet. The latter took advantage of this moment to deliver good advice to his friend and especially to reassure him as to the future after having first warned him. The ex of Laure Manaudou indeed reminded him that certain stories in the show had turned out to be wonderful like that of Laura and Matthew, became parents only a year after their marriage. He now hopes for the same happy ending for Jauffrey. “We see it with our children, you are like a father“, he assured her. A nice compliment for the future groom who dreams of only one thing: to start his own family.

Fortunately for him, Cyndie shares the same projects as him. Even more after having experienced painful sentimental failures. The 33-year-old beautician has thus decided to put all the chances on her side for her marriage by leaving the big game level look. In order to make Jauffrey fall in love instantly, she did not hesitate to show off her assets in a long white lace dress and with a very pronounced neckline. (See our slideshow). There is no doubt that it will capsize the athlete’s head in this way!

The episode ended with the arrival of Jauffrey’s entourage in Gibraltar. In addition to Frédérick Bousquet, another professional swimmer has entered, namely Florent Manaudou, another of Jauffrey’s best friends. “We are lucky to have a very close-knit group of friends. We are very very often together and I think it is important that we are there for him. I hope it will go well“, said the little brother of Laure Manaudou.

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