Marion Maréchal repacks Cyril Hanouna in “Face à Baba” because of an annoying question…

“This is where I needed to be and I believe in winning.” This is the sentence that dropped in Facing Baba, Marion Maréchal this Wednesday, March 23 to talk about her decision to support Eric Zemmour’s presidential campaign. The young woman faced Valérie Pécresse. Then Cyril Hanouna asked her if she had any news from her aunt, Marine Le Pen, whose relations are not necessarily in good shape. “That’s none of your business !”replied the young mother. “Well yes, she was there, last week, we tell each other now”persisted the facilitator. “Well no (…) you, your grandmother, she is fine”she said wryly. “These are my personal stories.” Not ready to let go of the steak, the presenter revived by saying: “It means yes'”. “You deduce from it, what you want, but I’m not going to talk about my family and personal life here. We’re talking about politics. The subject is not a family story”.

“No, but that’s none of your business”

On March 1, Marine Le Pen was the guest of Facing BFM. During the show, Amandine Atalaya asked him: “When was the last time you spoke to him?”. But she had been entitled to a very dry answer… like her niece a few weeks later. “No, but that’s none of your business, Mrs. Atalaya. That’s my personal life. I’m glad you’re interested but you won’t get an answer”had indicated before adding: “This saddens me personally and it plunges me into an abyss of perplexity politically. When we call ourselves defenders of France, when we want a future for our country of security, prosperity, when we want to defend civilization, Obviously, we must support the candidate who is most likely to win against Emmanuel Macron and that is me”.

See also: Marion Maréchal: her great love could not be saved…


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