Marine Le Pen is making “a media stunt” by voting for the censorship motion of the Nupes, believes Cyrielle Chatelain of EELV

The president of the National Rally group in the Assembly announced Monday that the RN deputies would vote in favor of the motion of censure tabled by the New People’s Ecological and Social Union.

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Marine Le Pen, by voting the motion of censure of the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) “with which she does not agree on anything”is doing “a media blast”, said Monday, October 24 on franceinfo Cyrielle Chatelain, president of the Europe-Ecology group Les Verts (EELV) in the National Assembly, Ecologist-Nupes deputy from Isère. Marine Le Pen announced Monday to the Assembly that her group would vote in favor of the motion of censure tabled by the Nupes “on acceptable terms” against the government’s budget, in addition to his own.

“We have nothing in common with the National Rally and this motion of censure clearly recalls the fundamentals of Nupes, environmentalists, the left. That is to say a budget of climate responsibility and social justice.

Cyrielle Chatelain, president of the EELV group at the National Assembly

at franceinfo

Elisabeth Borne felt that there were arguments “infamously common” between the motion of the Nupes and that of the RN. “Since the legislative campaigns, she has drawn the equal line between the Nupes and the National Rally. I think it is a dangerous strategy. In the end, it was the supporters of the government who voted for RN vice-presidencies at the National Assembly“, explains Cyrielle Chatelain.

The budget proposed by the government is “extremely worrying, it is a budget of climate irresponsibility and with the National Rally we have no common point, no common value and we will continue to fight them”, insisted Cyrielle Chatelain. The Nupes will not necessarily pose a motion of censure each time the government resorts to 49.3. “We need to discuss it.explains president of the EELV group. The motions of censure perhaps, but the question is to know how we manage to best pass our proposals.

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