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Tuesday April 12, 12 days before the second round of the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, both on the move, are trying to discredit each other.
Tuesday, April 12, the outgoing president, Emmanuel Macron, went to meet the French, while targeting his opponent, Marine Le Pen. “They never move, they never go to see their opponents”, he said. At the same time, the RN candidate, Marine Le Pen, accuses the president. “He has not used the referendum once in five years, because he is fundamentally opposed to it, because Emmanuel Macron is afraid of the people”she said.
On the management of the health crisis, Emmanuel Macron denounces: “she was going to treat people with chloroquine, she was going to massively vaccinate with a Russian vaccine, which even the World Health Organization said was not effective”. The candidate LREM said he was in favor of the seven-year term, a proposal from Marine Le Pen, which made the candidate ironic. They will meet again on Wednesday April 20 for the debate between the two rounds.