Marie Fugain: The father of her sons Elliot and Sam, a Quebec singer with a great career

Richard Charest, star of Notre-Dame de Paris

Eliott and Sam’s father is none other than Richard Charest. If his name means nothing to you, you must have already seen his face somewhere. At least in the musical Notre-Dame de Paris, in which he interpreted the poet Gringoire from 2016: “I feel a lot of pride, obviously. Lots of responsibilities too. This is what makes me want to continue. It is a landmark show in the history of French musical comedy. It’s an honor to be part of it for so long.”

His busy job does not prevent him from taking care of his sons, quite the contrary: “I practice my profession keeping in mind the idea of ​​ensuring their comfort and safety.” he said at the time. Since then, Marie Fugain and Richard Charest have separated. They have nonetheless become enemies for all that. It is thanks to him that Marie Fugain was able to go into exile. after the death of his sister. The couple left France for 4 years, with the aim of “start from scratch” for Marie Fugain. A new saving start for her which allowed her to face the worst.

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