Manon Marsault and Julien Tanti, their completely fake reconciliation? These photos that make people talk

Manon Marsault and Julien Tanti (34 years old) episode 1, act 3! The candidates of Marseilles (W9) and It’s the family (6Play) are once again in the spotlight. Following their big argument that occurred during the evening of July 14, they are accused of lying to their community.

The life of the Tanti could be the subject of a plot in a series lately. A few days ago, Internet users learned that a big argument had broken out between the parents of Tiago (4 years old) and Angelina (1 year old). Manon Marsault thus made the choice to leave their love nest to go to her in-laws, with the children. A subject that the 33-year-old brunette raised on Snapchat on July 18 to respond to rumors. “If we want to continue together and for the moment we will above all leave time and have big discussions because communication is not our strong point, we will have to make decisions.“, she said in particular. Explanations that have already taken place? Nothing is less certain.

On July 19, Julien Tanti shared two photos in which he poses with his wife and children. On the first, Manon Marsault and he each carry one of their children, upside down. The young woman has a big smile. On the second, the reality TV candidates still have their children in their arms, their heads upside down this time. And once again, it’s their smile that we notice. “There is only one happiness in life, it is to love and to be loved“, can we read in the caption of the publication.

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