Manchester United star arrested for rape and domestic violence: terrible photos revealed

It could be that we are entitled to a new scandal of great magnitude in English football. After the episode involving Manchester City’s French defender Benjamin Mendy, a player from rival club Manchester United is involved in a very dark story. A true prodigy of only 20 years old, Mason Greenwood is one of the young players with very high potential who are predicted to have the best future. Alongside Cristiano Ronaldo and Paul Pogba, he delights supporters despite his young age. Except that last Sunday, his career may have taken another turn.

According to information revealed by the BBC, Mason Greenwood was arrested and taken into custody yesterday by Manchester police. The young attacker is suspected of domestic violence and sexual assault on his partner, Harriet Robson. Police said they got wind “of images and videos on social networks published by a woman reporting incidents of physical violence”. Images posted by the young woman herself on her Instagram account.

The face in blood and bruises all over the body

It was on the night of Saturday to Sunday that the young woman decided to publish several photos of an attack of which she was the victim. Images very difficult to watch on which we can see that she is bleeding profusely at the level of the mouth and that she is covered with bruises and bruises all over the body. “So everyone knows what Mason Greenwood is doing to me”, she wrote on one of the photos. She also released a voice note from October 22 in which a man is heard forcing a woman to have sex with him. Stories that she later deleted, but the images had already circulated everywhere and the police were informed at the same time.

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