The players of Stade Brestois 29 denounce “unacceptable” playing conditions.
Reading time: 2 min

While the Brest men’s team reaches the heights in Ligue 1, their female counterparts denounce, in an open letter, published Wednesday April 24 on the Les Footeuses website, the playing conditions “unacceptable” and overall a generalized lack of consideration.
The women’s team at Stade Brestois 29, which plays in D3, is threatening to strike. “Our non-sporting situation is becoming unbearable. It cannot continue like this! It impacts our individual and collective performances; our physical and mental well-being”, they say in this open letter. They don’t feel respected. “The revolt and the convent strike” they warn.
The amount of salaries “not respected”
According to the players, “this is the entire D3F group from Stade Brestois 29” Who “feels fed up”. The first grievance against the club’s management is financial: “The amount of salaries stipulated in the contracts is not respected on the pay slips” they say. “Withdrawals ‘miscellaneous costs’ are made. The match bonuses planned fixed at the start of the season for the entire D3 group differ from one player to another. They also vary from one month to the next although the results are identical”, list the players. Worse, players are playing without a contract: “Some contracts were signed 5 months after the girls arrived at the club. They had to support themselves, far from their family, without the slightest income. When they signed their contract, 5 months later, the amount was lower than what was said when they arrived”, they explain. Still according to the players, the staff had to put their hands in their pockets to help them financially.
The players also criticize the “deplorable travel conditions which are unfavorable to the practice of high-level sport”. According to them, meals are not provided at the hotel. “We must therefore leave the hotel establishment in order to eat elsewhere,” they explain. They also deplore being forced to travel in groups of 18 in two minibuses and return at night after matches. “Certain trips were even made at the players’ expense (gasoline and toll costs, car rental)”they say.
Accusations “contrary to the values of the club”
In a press release, Stade Brestois 29 said it was taking “act of this open letter”, but shares his “surprise”. He ensures that the club “grants paramount importance to the development and well-being of all its teams, whether male or female”. The accusations made in the open letter “which suggest failings by the club towards our players, are contrary to the fundamental values of the club”. The club specifies that it “closer to the UNFP and undertakes to take all possible measures if contractual breaches have not been respected on the 5 federal contracts that make up the workforce. An internal investigation will be carried out “to establish the truth of the statements”, adds Stade Brestois 29. Joined by France Bleu Breizh Izel, the club announced that it would “conduct an audit”. Management ensures that “appropriate decisions will be taken at the end” of this audit.