Malika Menard celebrates her 35th birthday: Miss France, a world champion… trendy evening in the heart of Paris

On July 14, Malika Menard celebrated her 35th candle. The beautiful brunette who was our Miss France in 2010, however, did not mark the blow until a few days later, on July 20. A great evening was indeed organized at the Rose Bonbon, an open-air barge located in the very chic 8th arrondissement of Paris, where the view of the Eiffel Tower is exceptional.

It is also in front of the Iron Lady that Malika Menard has immortalized some of the best moments of the evening. In a hot luxury outfit that she got in a Paris showroom, the young woman posed in front of the photographers present in the arms of her very VIP guests. For example, it was able to count on the presence of the muay-thai and kick-boxing world champion Cyril Benzaquenon that of the fashion blogger Kenza Sadoun El Glaoui, Diego’s sister who is none other than the long-time lover of Iris Mittenaere, but especially on a handful of Miss.

Indeed, three essential ambassadors of the country made the trip to celebrate Malika Menard, namely Flora Coquerel (Miss France 2014), Clemence Botino (Miss France 2020) and Cindy Fabré (Miss France 2005). Together, they did not fail to put on a show, each more charming than the other in little summer dresses and testifying to the complicity of their quartet. (See our slideshow).

No trace, however, of a companion for Malika Menard. According to the latest news, she would still be single since her breakup last summer with the charming restaurateur Christophe. She has therefore just spent a full year alone but, never mind, Malika finds a lot of positive in it. “I was able to truly pay attention to myself, forgive myself, discover myself, re-discover myself and become aware of some of my unsuspected strengths. So, I raise my glass to the two of us and toast to your health and to the time we have left together, oh sweet celibacy“, she celebrated on her Instagram account.

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