Malela Mutualé “hopes to be able to carry” his former teammates after Elan béarnais-OLB

The OLB is traveling to Pau this Saturday on behalf of the 16th day of Betclic Elite. If the Orleans will have to face two major absentees, they will also have to be wary of three former teammates. From now on Giovane Oniangue, Landing Sané and Brandon Jefferson wear the jersey of theElk bearnais. Reunions that particularly motivate the ccaptain of the OLB, Malela Mutualé, invited this Friday by 100% OLB.

I am very happy to see them again and very excited to play against them.“, launches the 30-year-old leader straight away. “Giovane and Ada (Landing Sané), I have known them now for 15 years and with BJ, I had very strong ties with him“, he confides. But the friendship will be quickly forgotten once on the floor: “For 40 minutes, there will be no friends. I hope to win against them and be able, why not, to spoof them for a good little while.

Ada is very, very, very, very, very, very, very motivated about this match – Malela Mutuale

So which of his former partners will be the most dangerous this Saturday evening? Question too difficult for Malela Mutualé who prefer not to get wet. “With BJ, we will face each other directly and we know that if he is successful, it can be very, very complicated! Giovane is a Swiss army knife, he can do anything, both attacking and defending, and Ada is his first match… That’s the trap. He can have this euphoria of wanting to prove to everyone. It’s different data for each player so it’s really complicated to get out of it more than the other“, says the captain of the OLB.

The French leader is still particularly wary of Landing Sané, revengeful after six months without playing (he has just signed with Elan Béarnais): “I had him on the phone again a few days ago, he is determined. And even if he is not going to be 100% physically, because he is still lacking in competition, I know that he is very, very, very, very, very, very motivated by this match.” Corn nothing to worry Malela Mutualé who planned the parade. “I’m going to give him two or three hits in secret and everything will be fine.” laughs the captain.

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