Maddy Burciaga pregnant with Benjamin Samat: she reveals the baby’s first ultrasound!

In comments, Internet users quickly congratulated the lovers for this great news. “The baby is going to be one of those bombs with 2 parents like that“, “OMG shocked, congratulations to you! Full of happiness“, “Congratulations again friends. the most beautiful thing in the world“, “OMGGGGGG congratulations.“, “So that !!!! Soooop happy, only happiness“, “Beautiful, congratulations lovers“, “What happiness, congratulations“, “Marvellous !!! You deserve it so much!! Congratulations my darling, only happiness for you 2 can’t wait to see you this summer with your love bidou” can we read.

Married since February 2022, Benjamin Samat and Maddy passed the ring on their finger last February. “Officially Mr and Mrs SAMAT. Today was our civil wedding at the Dubai Embassy. Accompanied by our witnesses, we said to ourselves ‘yes, I do’“, they announced on Instagram, also revealing their sublime alliances. A few days after their marriage, the couple had been the victim of a violent fire in their house. The results were not ultimately catastrophic since everyone is unharmed, only the movie theater was destroyed by flames.

As a couple since September 2020, the Marseillais candidates settled in Dubai and also recently adopted a golden retriever called Maya.

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