Macaulay Culkin engaged: he will marry Brenda Song!

The diamond on Brenda Song’s finger does not deceive: according to People, the actress will marry in a few months her companion of 4 yearsMacaulay Culkin! The two actors had met in Thailand, during the summer of 2017 and the filming of the film changeland. Their romance had then started discreetly, far from journalists, social networks or photographers. For a few months, they had even put their luggage in a Parisian apartment to live away from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles!

During one of his rare interviews in 2018, the unforgettable Kevin of Mom I missed the plane ! still said he thought Brenda Song was “the maid“and that he wanted to have children with her. Wish granted at the beginning of the year 2021: their son Dakota showed up on April 5.

This one owes its name to the sister of Macaulay Culkin, who died in 2008 in a car accident. The actor has indeed experienced many hardships for several years. Drug cases, arrests, violent and authoritarian father… The darling child has become the terrible teenager of the United States.

However, Brenda Song came into her life accepting even her darkest sides: “He knows exactly who he is and he’s 100% clear about that. It’s one of the qualities that I prefer in him, that I find the sexiest“, she said in an interview in 2020.

The actress, who most recently appeared on the show Station 19, allows herself a few small statements to her fiancé on her Instagram account. In August 2020, when Macaulay Culkin celebrated his 40th birthday, she posted on her account a superb declaration of love to her “unicorn, which she did not think would exist one day“.

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