Lyonnaises lose in Italy in the quarter-final first leg of the Champions League

On the lawn of Juventus Stadium, which hosted the women’s team for the occasion, the spectators present had the chance to attend two matches, Wednesday, March 23. First there was a first, largely dominated by the Lyonnaises and punctuated by an early goal scored by Catarina Macario (0-1, 8th). Then another, started shortly after the hour mark following the expulsion of Lyonnaise Ellie Carpenter, for a foul in the position of last defender. Two goals and a victory (2-1) followed for the Italians.

The day after the feat of the Parisiennes in Munich, the Lyonnaises started very strong. From the first minute of play, they created their first chance with a shot over the frame signed Catarina Macario, before getting scared a few moments later on a gift from Wendie Renard for Lina Hurtig. Luckily, the Swedish striker missed the target. Superior, Wendie Renard’s teammates gradually stifled their opponents, to the point of opening the scoring in the eighth minute of play through Macario. Subsequently, some dangerous actions brought the Rhodaniennes closer to 0-2. In the end, nothing happened.

On an innocuous Italian attack, Ellie Carpenter made a mistake and received a red card. From then on, the match took a completely different turn. Now in numerical superiority, Juve made the game and wasted no time in equalizing, well helped by a handball from tricolor goalkeeper Sarah Bouhaddi (1-1, 71st). While the tide had definitely turned, in an unbridled end to the match, they scored a new goal (2-1, 83rd) on a high recovery in the Lyon camp. Aware of the feat achieved against the seven-time European champion, the players of Juve generously celebrated their victory, a bit daring.

Sonia Bompastor’s players therefore leave Italy on an unfavorable waiver and may harbor regrets given the face of the match. They will try to qualify for the last four, Tuesday March 29, in a match also relocated to Groupama Stadium.

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