Lula regains the presidency of a divided country


Article written by

A.Hanquet, V.Lerouge, M.Niewenglowski, P.Miette, P.Bauchetou – France 3

France Televisions

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won the Brazilian presidential elections in one breath on Sunday, October 30. His opponent, Jair Bolsonaro has still not recognized defeat, in an atmosphere of extreme polarization of the Brazilian people.

At 77, Lula is narrowly elected president of Brazil. A comeback for the man who once led the country, before being imprisoned for a year and a half for corruption, then cleared by the courts. “Today we say to the international community that Brazil is back, Brazil is too big to be relegated to this role of pariah of the world”, proclaimed the new president in front of an exultant crowd, with tears in their eyes.

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