Lula hopes to see his country “return to normality”, Bolsonaro assures that “clean elections must be respected”

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7:22 p.m. : @Nathan This is exactly what Jair Bolsonaro said earlier. “If the elections are clean, no problem. May the best win”. He also multiplied criticism of the electronic ballot box system in force in the country and repeatedly hinted that he would contest the result if Lula won in the first round.

7:19 p.m. : Good evening Pierre, in the event of a landslide victory for Lula as soon as the first round, the outgoing president said he was not going to recognize the results… What could happen in this case? Still not a coup (I remind you that Bolsonaro is a former soldier…) Thank you and good evening to all!

7:14 p.m. : Jair Bolsonaro is in power when the Covid-19 hits the country. Brazil will become the second most affected country in the world, and yet it will choose to do nothing. Find “Jair Bolsonaro, another Brazil” tonight at 8.55 p.m. and on @francetv ►

6:21 p.m. : Fun fact, you can present yourself under any name in Brazil. No less than 45 candidates have chosen to be called Bolsonaro (including his ex-wife), note The echoes.

6:17 p.m. : @Guillaume It’s pretty quiet at the moment. The newspaper Globe reports a handful of incidents, including six attempts to buy votes anyway.

6:16 p.m. : Good evening Peter! Brazilian election question: what is the atmosphere at the moment in Brazil? Thanks and good luck !

6:16 p.m. : ???? All with Lula and Brazil today! In Paris, Brazilians left to vote en masse, and the songs heard left little doubt as to the outcome of this election…Lula presidente do Brasil!#BrasilDaEsperanca

6:16 p.m. : To give you an idea of ​​the queue to vote in Paris (it’s like standing in front of the Disneyland entrance on an August morning).

6:14 p.m. : ?? Cerca de 40% das urnas utilizadas nas #Eleicoes2022 são do novo modelo.E aí, você votou na nova urna eletrônica?

6:14 p.m. : History to be complete, know that in Brazil we vote on a voting machine. To choose Lula, type 13, for Bolsonaro, type 22!

6:18 p.m. :Caramba, @clem, It would be too simple ! Because voting is compulsory for voters aged 18 to 69, but you can vote from the age of 16 in the country. There are 2 million registrants under the age of 18 who are expected, and the figure is up sharply compared to the last election. As for voters over 70, this still represents 15 million people.

6:10 p.m. : Can you specify that voting in Brazil is compulsory under penalty of fines, hence the significant presence of voters

6:10 p.m. : 18 hours ! Let’s take stock of the news for this Sunday evening.

Voting day in Brazil! The left-wing candidate, Lula, is the favorite, facing the outgoing far-right president Jaïr Bolsonaro, very popular with bikers. The cheat sheet to follow the election is here, and our direct with the latest news is here.

The situation remains confused in Burkina Faso, where a coup took place on Friday. We unravel the schmillblick for you in this article, while the former president (already putschist) of the country agreed to resign this evening.

The return to parliament is tomorrow! Will the National Assembly continue to turn to the “bazaar” to take up the words of its president? We polled MPs (and spoiler, they think the circus will resume).

We can’t stop Lorient! The men of Régis Le Bris chain a new victory against Lille (2-1) and consolidate their place on the podium of the L1.

6:00 p.m. : @Matgim As much as we hardly hear French footballers talk about politics, Brazilian players make no secret of their political positions. Neymar supported Jair Bolsonaro in a message posted on TikTok this week. Also support the far-right candidate the former Ballon d’Or Rivaldo or the star striker of the 1990s Romario. On the other side of the political spectrum, we find Juninho Permambucano, the former playmaker of Lyon, the ex-Brazilian coach Vanderlei Luxemburgo and the legend of PSG Raï.

6:00 p.m. : And, subsidiary question, for a football off specialist, do we know who Neymar will vote for in the elections, if he votes. Thanks !

5:59 p.m. : It’s tight ! The latest polls give the left-wing candidate Lula almost at the 50% threshold, necessary to win in the first round (49% against 35% for Bolsonaro, according to the latest surveys published yesterday).

5:57 p.m. : Is it possible that there is a second round in Brazil or is it folded from the first?

5:27 p.m. : Struggling in the polls, outgoing Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro can count on the unconditional support of part of the population: the bikers. Like André, met by our special envoys. “Little by little, he reduced the price of tolls on the highways for motorcycles”, explains the Brazilian biker. For him, Jair Bolsonaro is “a man who speaks true, brutal, provocative”.


5:23 p.m. : @Martin A priori, no, but if the situation ignites, I stay on deck. We will therefore advise according to the turn of events.

5:22 p.m. : Hello FI, and thank you for your work 😀 1 question, 1 comment: – Are you going to spare money to cover the Brazilian presidential election tonight? – For maritime history enthusiasts, did you know that the wreck of the Mesaba was found off the coast of Ireland, sunk in 1918 and which had warned the Titanic of the presence of an iceberg in 1912? 🙂 Beautiful afternoon !

5:08 p.m. : @Matgim They are estimated at around 50,000, if I believe Statista or 60,000 according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (quoted by a doctoral student in an interview with the Regards protestants site).

5:02 p.m. : Hello FI! How many people is the Brazilian diaspora in France? Do you know if it’s linked to an ancient phenomenon, or the globalization of the 20th century? Thanks !

4:36 p.m. : @Lulaaaaaaaaaaa We will have a tendency around 10 p.m., the time when the polling stations close, but to have something solid and concrete, it will be necessary to watch taaaaaaaaaard in the night.

4:34 p.m. : Hello Hello! Around what time will we have the results of the first round in Brazil?

3:59 p.m. : It’s 4 p.m., here are the titles:

The two presidential candidates Lula and Bolsonaro cast their ballots when the polls opened. The first hopes to see his country “return to normality” while the outgoing president ensures that “clean elections must be respected”. Follow our live.

The new self-proclaimed leader of the ruling military junta in Burkina Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, calls for an end to the acts “violence and vandalism” against France. Follow our live.

Ukraine’s president claims the town of Lyman is “completely rid” of the Russian army. Follow our live.

The toll of the crowd movement in a stadium is revised downwards to 125 dead, announce the authorities. Here’s what we know about the drama.

3:40 p.m. : “The surprise would be that Jair Bolsonaro recognizes his defeat without complaining”, estimates on franceinfo, Frédéric Louault, professor of political science at the Free University of Brussels and specialist in Brazil. The outgoing president has given many signs that he might not recognize the results in the event of a presidential defeat, citing in particular the risk of “fraud”.

2:58 p.m. : More than 3 hours of queuing to vote in Paris! 22 thousand Brazilians are registered. A record! Here, no one doubts that Lula will be well ahead! #Eleicoes2022 #lula #bolsonaro

3:00 p.m. : We spoke to you earlier about the Brazilian community in Paris, very mobilized on this day of voting. According to my colleague from BFM, you have to stand in line for three hours to be able to vote.

2:32 p.m. : Look for the president

2:31 p.m. : Brazil’s far-right president Jair Bolsonaro has just said that “clean elections” were to “to be respected” after voting for the first round of presidential elections in Rio de Janeiro.

2:21 p.m. : Former left-wing president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva just voted shortly after the opening of offices in Brazil and said he hoped to see his country “return to normality” if elected for a third term.


3:43 p.m. : Many of you ask me when the polling stations will close in Brazil and when we will have the results in France. Polling stations are open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Brazil, or 10 p.m. in France. My colleague Valentine, who was on assignment in Brazil, tells me that we will have the first estimates when the polls come out around 10-11 p.m., then the final results will come out during the night, around midnight-1 a.m. at the earliest and up to 2 hours potentially.

2:09 p.m. : Hello FI; At what time do polling stations close in Brazil (Paris time)? Will we have an estimate of the results at the end of the evening, say around midnight?

2:07 p.m. : Hello everyone and thank you to our courageous journalists and Sunday Reporters! Can you tell us what time the polls close in Brazil?

1:13 p.m. : Huge queue of Brazilians to vote in Paris. A large community and rather marked on the left.

1:41 p.m. : And as reported by my colleague from World, we also vote in Paris. The Brazilian community mobilized en masse for this presidential election.

1:52 p.m. : The 156 million Brazilians have started to vote for a decisive presidential election which is played out between the former left-wing president Lula, the big favorite, and the far-right outgoing president Jair Bolsonaro. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva could win this first round, but Jair Bolsonaro has threatened for months not to recognize the result if the election is not “transparent”.

1:09 p.m. : Polling stations for the presidential election open in Brazil.

12:19 p.m. : “He has oppressed us since the first day of his mandate”, asserts Gil about Jair Bolsonaro, the current far-right president of Brazil, candidate for his re-election. Gil is a member of the Landless Movement (MST). The popular peasant organization has been fighting for a better distribution of arable land for more than 40 years and supports former President Lula.


10:56 : Beyond the presidential election, voters will also largely renew their Parliament. According to the polls, the latter should be very fragmented, which will complicate the task for the application of the program of the next president.

10:57 : The very popular candidate of the left has every chance, especially after the mandate of Jair Bolsonaro considered catastrophic on the economic, environmental and social level. But for Frédéric Louault, researcher at the ULB interviewed by franceinfo, the election is not played for all that: “As we saw in 2018, there may still be surprises.”

10:57 : Will Brazil turn the page on populism? Brazilians are expected to go to the polls today to elect their new president. Twelve candidates are in the running, including outgoing Jair Bolsonaro, who hopes to obtain a new four-year term. The far-right candidate faces an emblematic figure of the left: the former head of state Lula da Silva. I explain everything you need to know in this article.


10:32 : While the first round of the Brazilian presidential election is being held today, a documentary entitled “Jair Bolsonaro, another Brazil”, broadcast on France 5, looks back on the career of the outgoing president. The latter was able to seduce the elites as well as the poor thanks in large part to the evangelical lobby.

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