Lucile (Love is in the meadow) slimmed down for her wedding to Jérôme: impressive before/after photo!

Like all young mothers, Lucile gained weight during her pregnancy, extra pounds that she has been wanting to get rid of for several months. Because a deadline of the greatest importance is coming very soon: her marriage to Jérôme.

Happy mother of a wonderful little Capucine for seven months, the former candidate of Love is in the meadow (M6) gave an update on her diet to the 208,000 subscribers who follow her and Jérôme on Instagram. “Back to the challenge -10 kgs for the wedding“, she wrote on one of her videos this Sunday, May 15, 2022, recalling that the last time she had done a before / after photo dates back to last March. At that time, Jérôme’s fiancée had already lost 5 kilos by then, and the weight loss has continued ever since.

Today, Lucile is 7 kilos lighter and is therefore approaching her goal. And its before/after (January VS mid-May) speaks for itself. The young mother has lost in the circumference of the thighs and at the level of the belly and the hips. The result is obvious! (see slideshow). For those who follow Lucile on social networks, the latter has not deprived herself since she started her diet. To please Jérôme, and to please herself, she continues to prepare delicious dishes. However, she remains vigilant and practical, as soon as her schedule as a mother and professional (she helps Jérôme in his market gardening activity), sports.

Aware that she will never be able to have a skinny silhouette, Lucile had declared a few months ago: “I’ll never be Pamela Anderson, besides I’ve always been plump, and I don’t want it. I simply aspire to find the form and the line. Every woman is unique and beautiful regardless of the number on the scale.“Curves that suit him perfectly and that immediately made Jérôme fall in love.

It was last Christmas that the 39-year-old market gardener and cereal farmer working in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes made his request. “The fairy tale continues…and I said YES“, exploded with joy Lucile, revealing photos of the request in front of the tree.

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