A farmer, she also criticizes “this way of always wanting to lower the level of language because we are talking to farmers”. She sees it as “a form of contempt”.
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“Today, we have great declarations of love” but these are only “announcement effects”, castigated Monday February 26 on franceinfo Céline Imart, number two on the LR list in the European elections, who went to the Agricultural Show alongside LR boss Éric Ciotti and the head of the party’s list in the European elections François-Xavier Bellamy.
Two days after Emmanuel Macron’s visit to the Agricultural Show, the Tarn farmer returned to the Head of State’s announcement about the creation of floor prices to better remunerate French farmers. “The term price floor, no one knows what is behind it. Concretely, how can it be constructed? It is an unknown, an announcement effect. It is not a real policy with a course, a long term vision”she snapped.
Questioned about the communication of the President of the Republic, who adopted a relaxed style at the Salon in the face of interlocutors who mistreated him, the number two on the LR list denounced “a form of contempt” and an “communication error”. “This way of always wanting to lower the level of language because we are talking to farmers is a form of contempt”she stressed.