Love is in the meadow: Nicole pregnant with François, revelations about her surprise pregnancy (EXCLUDED)

After the rain came the good weather on the side of Nicole and Franciscandidates of Love is in the meadow 2019. After experiencing a miscarriage, the charming brunette fell pregnant with their first child. After announcing the happy news on their Instagram account, the lovebirds have agreed to confide for the first time on this happiness to come, with Purepeople.

How did you feel when you found out about Nicole’s positive test?

I had doubts as I was late. I was happy and at the same time surprised. We had stopped the PMA approach because it involved a lot of things at the same time and we had other projects. We had our first visit but towards the end of the year we kind of put that aside. In the end, we had our baby naturally. I think it’s the fact that we released the pressure. It’s a surprise baby.

How did you announce the good news to the future dad?

It was frankly not glamorous (laughs). I sent a message saying ‘I’m pregnant’ on Messenger.

How did you react Francois?

I was not surprised. I worked well for that (laughs). More seriously, I wasn’t too surprised either since she had told me that she didn’t have her period and that it was strange.

How is your pregnancy Nicole going so far?

It is true that the first two months, I felt very tired. And since I had a miscarriage before, I’m very careful. I’m a little ‘paranoid’. I work in a pet store and there are twelve kilo bags to carry so I didn’t carry them anymore, I sat down fairly regularly, I paid attention to food and hydrated well. There, I’m in my 4th month so I’m breathing a little more.

Did you have any pregnancy ailments other than fatigue?

With hormones, there are ups and downs. I had headaches too but it’s still ok. No nausea or anything.

How do you deal with the fact that your body is changing?

I gained about 5 kilos, but all in the stomach. I’m lucky to have nothing else. I gained a little chest too. But otherwise everything is in the belly so I still live it well.

Do you have any fears?

Nicole : No not necessarily. We were worried that the baby had malformations or other, but we did the trisomy test and several ultrasounds, the doctors reassured us. We were told he was doing well and had no health concerns. That he was a little man full of life.

Do you already have name ideas?

Francis : Jean-Eude.
Nicole : Nope ! (laughs). He wants to call him Jean-Eude but I don’t like it. From time to time we reflect, we come up with ideas. But it’s hard to agree. We continue to search.
Francis : If not found, it will be called ‘No name’.

How did you manage to get up after going through this miscarriage?

Nicole : It was very complicated for several months. Having a great entourage is very important. There was my sister in particular who knew how to find the words, because she had had two miscarriages before having her daughters. She reassured me by telling me that these were things that happened. That you shouldn’t get stuck on it and go up the slope even if it was difficult. It happened just before confinement so I couldn’t go see them but I was also in contact with an association called L’espérance, in Vendée.
Francis : I think it was more difficult for her than for me, because she was the one carrying the baby. I’ve seen so many that I manage to manage a lot of things. Then it sure hit me. And to see Nicole sad, too. I tried to support her as best I could. I did my best.

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