Love Actually: Extreme weight loss for a flagship actress of the film, supporting photos

But let fans suspecting trouble be reassured, Martine McCutcheon feels much better about herself than before. Very fulfilled, she never ceases to share good news and to display many smiles on the Web as soon as she has the opportunity, delighted with the new body that she has managed to afford thanks to her will of iron, a mind of steel and the desire to say goodbye to the extra pounds inherited after the birth of her son Rafferty in 2015. After having searched for a very long time for the diet that suited her, Martine McCutcheon therefore ended up find in the 80/20, technique consisting in eating healthy 80% of the time and having fun the remaining 20%.

I wanted to feel good again, she confided in an interview. My weight loss was a little slower than the others but to be honest I was expecting this diet again not to work for me.“Martine McCutcheon had also mentioned the reason why she had gained weight:”Getting pregnant took me a long time, there were lots of obstacles. My body went through tons of changes to get a result. Women’s bodies are complex and very sensitive.“, she had concluded for Hello. Courageous confidences which today earned him all the compliments in the world from his fans, “amazed“by his transformation.

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