Louis terrified by his next challenge in the Star Academy…

When he joined the “Star Academy”, on October 15, Louis could not contain his tears. The 20-year-old young man from Boudy-de-Beauregar then left his family for the castle of Dammarie-les-Lys. In his portrait, he explained how his brother, his father and his mother had always supported him, while he suffered from the gaze of people. And to add: “I was criticized a lot, telling me that I was too much or not enough, throughout my life on many things and that did not necessarily help my balance”.

My family, I don’t know if they’re going to like it

And these feelings continue to animate him as he prepares for next November 19, the semi-final bonus, a painting on “Born this way“, Lady Gaga’s hit. Yanis Marshall’s favorite, who sees in him “the one who has made the most progress, he stands out, he’s a starand who told him “I put you in a show in Las Vegas without worries” on November 12, he will try to shine in heeled boots on the stage.

Already qualified for the final, what worries him the most is always the way we look at him after this show. This week, while rehearsing his choreography with Léa, he explained to his colleague: “My family, I don’t know if they’re going to like it. My grandfather I think it’s going to be hard“. And to add: “Well you know I come from a very rural area”.

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Next Saturday, it is Anisha, Chirs, Enola, Léa and Tiana, who will have to prove themselves so that the jury and the public keep them in the adventure. Louis, he already has a bright future ahead of him, and fans who salute his talents for all disciplines: dance, singing, interpretation, and humor.

Soon to be a voguing star

A few days ago, the choreographer who encourages her to use her full potential advised her to perfect her skills in Voguing (a style of urban dance consisting of making movements with the arms and hands while walking), seeing him a future star of the discipline in France. His grandfather will have to get used to it!


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