Louis Delort (The Voice) dad: photo of his little baby born prematurely, he has an old school name

Liane Lazaar is a web editor attached to the TV division of Purepeople.com. She knows as much about the career of Jean-Pierre Pernaut on TF1 as the latest twists of reality TV candidates and has a strong taste for heart stories.

Happy news for an ex-candidate of “The Voice”. With his companion, he has just welcomed his first child, a little boy who showed up well in advance! On the first photo of him, it is therefore a very small baby and placed under surveillance which has been presented.

Pink notebook! Louis Delort recently became a father for the first time. The singer revealed in the first season of The Voice in 2012 took to his Instagram account this Thursday, October 27, 2022 to announce the great news.

Its subscribers learned that It’s a little boy whom Louis and his darling Angèle welcomed and decided to call Leon. The ex-Talent of Patrick Fiori has shared a first photo of his son for the occasion, which is probably born prematurely. “@angele_debono and I are proud to introduce Léon. He is a very alert and very vigorous little guy who surprised and delighted us to come and meet us a little earlier than expected. A very nice early Christmas gift“, captioned Louis Delort, on his little cloud.

But indeed, Leon was in a hurry to make his debut in the world because his birth was not expected until December. It is therefore a very small baby who appeared on the Web and who is currently placed in an incubator, under surveillance, so that he finishes growing up quietly before being able to return home. In the comments, many Internet users congratulated Louis Delort and his partner for this happy event.

It was last September that Louis Delort announced the pregnancy of his beautiful Angèle on his social networks. the Charming 29-year-old dark-haired had taken care to pose with the latter dressed in a tight dress that showed off her baby bump then clearly visible.

Starting a family was the logical next step for the couple, formed more than five years ago when fate brought them together. “Angèle is a tattoo artist. Five years ago I contacted her because I wanted to get a new tattoo. I had asked him to represent the ‘soul’ to me, something quite vague as you can imagine. And as if by chance – besides, don’t we say that there is no chance but only coincidences in love stories – the day before, she had tried to represent the soul in a tattoo. We discussed this desire together and she tattooed this project on me, which we called ‘Anima’“, he said during an interview for Entertainment TV.

Before becoming a father, the one who had landed the first role in the musical 1789: the Lovers of the Bastille alongside Camille Lou had wanted to concretize his relationship with Angèle by asking her to marry. I don’t have the kids yet but I’m doing everything to get them. We made the little nest and I have the fiancée“, he announced on his return to The Voice All Stars in 2021.

Congratulations to the new parents!

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