Louane talks about the gender-neutral education she gives to her 20-month-old daughter

In March 2020, Louane gave birth to her first child. A little girl named Esmée born from her relationship with musician Florian Rossi, whom she has been dating since 2018. More than a year after the birth of her baby, the 25-year-old singer has still not revealed her face like her fans would like more than anything but the latter assured that she wanted to preserve her privacy at this level: “I am a wolf mom. I protect my daughter enormously from all media coverage. I’m not going to force something so intense on her, and what’s more, that she didn’t choose. I already know that she will have a special life: at school, it won’t be easy to be my daughter, for example. Suddenly, I don’t want to add more“explained the one that was revealed thanks to the show” The Voice Kids “.
This does not prevent him from confiding in his daughter and the education she wants to give him. “I am a cool mom. If she has decided to put paste or paint on her head, she does. It’s material. I managed just to limit the damage. You see: I let her explore, experiment. I don’t force her toys or her dress on her. In fact, she does what she wants. She is small, we get along well! My daughter is 20 months old, she walks, starts to talk and also to choose her clothes.“revealed the singer in an interview with Gala.
Very tolerant and very open-minded, the one who will soon be showing in a series on TF1 affirmed that she has made the choice not to be carried away by certain diktats of society and will therefore opt for an education non-gendered: “My daughter has toys that can be babies, cars… she chooses what she likes and what she is. And that suits me very well. She can wear jogging and the next day a little Peter Pan collar dress. Like me, today I am very feminine, whereas yesterday, I was in streetwear.
Blossoming in her work, in her family life and in her marriage, the pretty blonde did not fail to give a nice wink to her darling Florian Rossi who is accompanying her everywhere on stage at the moment, while brushing aside the criticisms about his body and his weight: “I have an amazing guy, an amazing daughter, I’m not going to let bitter people ruin this ” she concluded.

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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