Lottery: a Californian wins a record prize of 2 billion dollars



Article written by

E. Bonnasse, P. Mauger, A. Grenier – France 3

France Televisions

A Californian has won nearly $2 billion in the lottery. This amount is a real record.

It is a sum that is definitely life changing. A Californian has won two billion dollars in the lottery. This is an all-time winning record. The winner’s ticket was purchased at a California gas station. The manager of this place is also very happy, since he receives the modest sum of a million dollars. I will share with my family and those in need“, enthuses Joe Chahayedthe manager of the service station.

This sum obviously aroused covetousness across the Atlantic and the Americans rushed for the tickets. Their chance of to win were however less since they had only one chance in 300 million of having the opportunity to collect such a sum. Beautiful players, the people who lost, however, congratulate the winner. He won the gold, it’s very good for him, I’m happy for this winner”reacts a woman. The lucky winner, who is not yet known, has enough to afford ten luxurious apartments in Manhattan or the most expensive yacht in the world.

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