Lorie suffers from a series of illnesses, her illness responsible!

Behind his smile and his joy of life hides a chronic illness. A disease which unfortunately affects more and more women and whose diagnosis is only made very late. In front of this situation, Lorie Pesterherself affected by this problem, decided to publicize endometriosis in order to make as many women aware of the symptoms of this pathology.

On April 27, 2023, the singer-turned-actress, for example, revealed the serious consequences of endometriosis on her body and her health. Indeed, the one who will become a host on RMC Story has had a hysterectomy and, in fact, can no longer have children: “I can no longer have a second child because of endometriosis. I can no longer have a second child because of endometriosis.” Enough to stop any hope of a second pregnancy one day”.

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Lorie Pester decided to have her uterus removed

Fortunately, the 41-year-old actress had the chance to become a mother in August 2020 of little Nina. She is also grateful to have been able to take on this role before having her uterus removed. “It doesn’t matter because, with my darling, we had our little girl together and he has an 11-year-old son. So at home, we have a girl and a boy. She’s a little tribe”she rejoiced before continuing: “And then I couldn’t see myself going back with IVF (in vitro fertilization, editor’s note). It was still an ordeal. We had our daughter, it was my little miracle and it’s great.”

An illness that causes him discomfort even while filming

Despite her hysterectomy, her endometriosis Lorie Pester still “lives”. Indeed, although this intervention allows you to no longer have periods, it does not prevent the pain from disappearing. Pain which made the singer see all the colors as she confided to Damien Canivez and Sarah Lecoeuvre this Monday, September 11, 2023 in the Buzz TV from Figaro. “I don’t know if you were still doing concerts at the time, but what was it like when you were suffering from these symptoms”asked the journalist before her guest told her: “So no, I wasn’t in concert at that time, but I was filming TV films and it happened several times that I passed out in the middle of filming because I was in so much pain.”

Lorie Pester did not, however, wish to discuss it with the technical team of Tomorrow belongs to us and the TV films she was filming for at the time: “At the beginning, I didn’t talk about it too much because I told myself that it wasn’t any of their business and then I like, when I arrive on set, to show that I’m on top”. However, its “Tomorrow Belongs to Us” playing partners knew this. “We know each other so well that they knew when I was going to fall or not and whether I was okay or not. Afterwards, the team knew”she concluded.


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