Looking for a job ? France Bleu Bourgogne offers you several offers

  • a caregiver for Villa Medici in DijonVictor Hugo : in CDI 35h
Caregiver ©Getty

To apply: send your CV to [email protected]

– 1 second cookbetween 3000€ and 3500€
– 1 pastry chefbetween 2012€ and 2262€
– 1 pastry chefbetween 2668€ and 3157€

pastry chef
pastry chef ©Getty
Tommaso Tagliaferri

To apply: https://www.facebook.com/MyexpertiseRH/

  • An order picker for La Ruche Logistique in Créancey
Order preparation
Order preparation ©Getty
Thomas Barwick

To apply: La Ruche Logistique on 03 80 64 07 09

If you too are recruiting, contact us on 03 80 42 15 15 or send us an email to [email protected] and place your advertisement on our antenna. It’s free !

Find all the announcements live on our antenna from Monday to Friday at 6:16 or 8:25 a.m. and on weekends at 7:52 a.m.

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