Longueuil transport network | The DG will step down next spring

The current director general of the Réseau de transport de Longueuil (RTL), Michel Veilleux, announced to the board of directors on Wednesday that he will leave his role “during the coming spring” in order to take up new professional challenges.

This was confirmed by the president of the RTL board of directors, Geneviève Héon, in a short statement at the end of the afternoon. The manager had been at the helm of the organization for seven years now.

“His roadmap […] testifies to its commitment and determination to develop public transit on the territory of the Longueuil agglomeration. All of his accomplishments will have enabled the RTL to greatly develop its network and consolidate its place in the public transit industry in Quebec,” said Mr.me Héon, speaking of the principal concerned.

Among the “major projects” of the outgoing director, Geneviève Héon cites for example “the Vision 2025 strategic plan, the modernization of the organization and its adaptation to the new metropolitan governance”.

Last November, Mr. Veilleux notably presented the vast “remixing” of the RTL network, with the arrival of the Metropolitan Express Network (REM) on the South Shore, now scheduled for spring 2023. The organization is already preparing to modify 25 local lines and add 5 more. And to achieve this, he will have to generate additional savings of around 35%.

“He will also have been able to mobilize the teams during the pandemic in order to best meet the needs of essential workers while ensuring responsible management of public funds”, she also notes, thanking the director general “for his rich contribution”. and wishing him “the best of luck for the rest of his career”. “Mr. Veilleux can always count on the support of the RTL for his future projects,” concludes the president.

Note: we do not yet know the identity of Michel Veilleux’s successor. This will be appointed later, after the departure of the outgoing director.

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