Long live the badly combed flowers!

They have tangled petals, curls everywhere, rebellious ears, like “Excuse me, I just got out of bed!” I really like these naughty, funny, unruly plants that grow well everywhere in the garden or in pots.

They bring fantasy to well-ordered compositions or beds. This is the case of the nerine (Nerine bowdenii) which blooms pink in early fall. A more complete portrait of this plant, which is also called the Guernsey lily, with Didier Perrin, of the Planters of Brigaudière, in Isère.

“It is planted in spring and it blooms in autumn. They are often pink flowers, but there are varieties with white or orange flowers. All have more or less bizarre, explosive and exploded “hairstyles”, which give them a very happy!”

“Pink, ruffled flowers in the fall are rare enough in the garden to be noticed.”

Didier Perrin

at franceinfo

The nerine must be planted in dry soil about ten centimeters deep, a little less in the hottest regions. As she likes to grow in colonies and live close together, it works very well in pots.

Another disheveled bulb: the ismene (Hymenocallis) also called the spider lily. A plant to be grown only in a pot, because it is really chilly.

Ismene (Hymenocallis) should be grown in pots.   (ISABELLE MORAND / RADIO FRANCE / FRANCE INFO)

pineapple plants (Eucomis) are easier to cultivate, and they present a beautiful diversity.

“The eucomis comes from South Africa. It is a bulb that is often called in gardening magazines the pineapple plant, because its flower looks like a pineapple. TheEucomis develops a beautiful floral stalk dominated by a kind of hat of leaves which gives it a completely disheveled look.”

Floral stems of pineapple plants (Eucomis).  (JOSON / STONE RF / GETTY IMAGES)

The pineapple plant is beautiful in pots and in the garden where some varieties can reach 1.5 m!

If you are looking for messy flowers, also look at ornamental garlic.

Allium flavum, yellow garlic and its spectacular flowering.   (MARTIN SIEPMANN / IMAGEBROKER RF / GETTY IMAGES)

yellow garlic (Allium flavum), blooms in fireworks. The variety of vine garlic (Allium vineale) named ‘Hair’ offers completely disheveled green flowers. As for his little brother, ‘Dready’, he seems to have put his petals in an electrical outlet!

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