Lolo Bret and Nicolas Girard, authors of the children’s book “Titou the mongoose who wanted to play football”

Nicolas Girard, author

Since childhood, Nicolas draws and invents stories. Passionate about comics, encouraged by his wife and two boys, he decided to write his first children’s book in collaboration with the illustrator Lolo Bret. Football, his other passion, also holds an important place in his life. He spent his childhood playing ball before taking pleasure in coaching as a teenager.
He is now a leader in the club of his village of Mauves (Ardèche). It is therefore quite naturally that football has become the main theme of the book. And the main character is also the mascot of the “Baby foot” section of RC Mauves.

Lolo Bret, illustrator

“Lolo” Bret has spent more than 40 years in the service of comics. Spotted by Jacques Martin (Alix) and Fred (Philémon) at the age of 17, he never let go of his pencils. After a few years as an amateur, he launched his career in 1996 by founding his comic strip creation workshop “Brutus Styl” which lasted several years.
He repeated in 2007 with LB Design, won an approval from the National Education and taught comics in schools, associations, media libraries and with private students. In his fifties, he published “Compostelle day by day” in 2013, an autobiographical account of his old-fashioned journey on the famous pilgrimage. There followed a whole series of children’s books that he illustrated for Anne de la Quintardière, Marie Garnier and Sandrine Degrillasse, as well as a book “These News that make us smile” where he illustrated more than 70 crazy press articles.


Book summary :

A little mongoose wants to organize a football match in the savannah but it turns out to be impossible at first as the animals are all different: the giraffe has too long a neck and the ball passes between its legs, the crocodile has too small legs , the lion has claws and bursts the ball by shooting with it.. etc.. As a result, the little mongoose will find solutions for everyone to succeed in organizing their game.

38 pages

For 3/8 year olds

source site-36