Lola Marois (PBLV): these alluring sequences which disturb her husband Jean-Marie Bigard: “It annoys him…”

Lola Marois is an actress to follow closely. To date, she shines brilliantly in the series “Plus belle la vie” on France 3. On screen, the happy mother of two lends her features to Ariane, one of the essential police officers of the Mistral. At this time, the producers have decided to honor a plot centered on Jacob. Wanting to protect Camille – whom he kidnapped in the past – the serial killer struggles to cover his tracks… And make Kévin Belesta go through a real hell.

To stop it, the ex-girlfriend of Jean-Paul Boher will therefore join forces with Mathieu Lombard… with whom she will live a passionate love story. A scenario that intrigued – at first – Jean-Marie Bigard, comedian and husband of Lola Marois. “He knows he married an actress and it’s not the first time he’s seen me kiss boys,” assured the artist in the columns of Star TV.

“He’s quite jealous…”

Obviously, the main interested party would have had a hard time getting used to the idea. “But strangely, he is quite jealous”added Lola Marois not without humor. “He tries not to look too much. He laughs about it, but sometimes it annoys him. Never mind! The actress is happy to embody her character who continues to evolve in the show. Like her other screen partners, Lola Marois refuses to accept the end of the saga.

“I’m pretty defeatist by nature. I always tend to see things in the dark. When I heard the rumours, I thought it was over. We are in the dark, without precise information. We are preparing for the end of the series”, she confessed. “Personally, I like the change, but I will be very sad to leave this character to whom I gave a lot…”. The message got through!


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