Loana still dezinated by Internet users … her religious message which does not pass

She meant well, and again faced criticism. Still, her message was filled with love as usual. Indeed, this Sunday, April 9, Loana took over her Instagram account to address her subscribers and wish them a happy Easter. If this message was not mean, quite the contrary, some detractors have still found a way to attack the former candidate of “Loft Story”.

The reason ? His statement that accompanied his publication: “A little kiss my darlings”. A statement that the one who would live at the RSA is used to making. Indeed, in each of his posts, the former reality TV candidate addresses a “kiss” has his “loulous”. And this seems to annoy more and more subscribers. “Loana stop with your kisses my darlings”for example, asked a user while another showed a little more violence: “She’s going to flood us with videos today!! You really are sick! Go get treatment!” Still others judged his videos “without interest”.

See also: Loana is back in great shape in a wiser and bohemian look: is this time the right one?

Loana lynched for wishing a happy Easter, fans come to her rescue

Fortunately, the one who recently adopted an adorable little dog can count on the support of her followers. One of them did not fail to recall that Loana “addresses his darlings”. In fact, those who do not consider themselves members of its community may “go look somewhere else”.

“She does what she wants with her account including posting videos and photos as she pleases”, “A little kindness and respect would be too much to ask of you?”, “Leave her alone… she didn’t do anything to you …”, lamented and asked many Loana fans. Messages of support which undoubtedly lifted the morale of the main interested party and which may have enabled her to have a happy Easter.


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