LIVE – Ligue 2: follow Nîmes Olympique-Toulouse FC on France Bleu Occitanie

It is the last match of the year for Toulouse Football Club. The Violets travel to Nîmes this Monday evening (8:45 p.m.) as part of the 19th day of Ligue 2.

A match that serves as a return match after the heavy defeat of Nîmes at the Stadium on Saturday afternoon in the 32nd finals of the Coupe de France. Philippe Montanier’s men have scored four goals.

The TFC is in search of a rebound in the league after a defeat in Niort and a draw against Rodez. The Violets have not been leaders in Ligue 2 for a week. The club have scored only 11 points out of a possible 24 since their first loss of the season against Caen on September 27.

TFC could regain its throne if it wins tonight and if Ajaccio loses against Grenoble.

The composition

To face the Nîmes, Philippe Montanier has to do with some absences. Forward Rafael Ratao is suspended.

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Match to follow on France Bleu Occitanie

The meeting can be followed live and in full on France Bleu Occitanie, from 8:15 pm:

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